Humanities CLEP Prep Practice Exam 2024 - Free Humanities CLEP Practice Questions and Study Guide.

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What methods do scholars use to study the development of language?

Classifying and analyzing written texts

Etymologies and the examination of historic texts

Scholars primarily use etymologies, which is an analysis of the history and development of words, in order to study the development of language. Option A is incorrect because it only focuses on the written aspect of language, while language also includes spoken communication and non-written systems. Option C is incorrect because while exploring linguistic features and sounds may be a part of the study of language development, it is not the primary method used. Option D is incorrect because while analyzing regional origins and characteristics may provide insight into the development of particular languages or dialects, it is not a general method used to study the overall development of language.

Exploring linguistic features and sounds

Analyzing the regional origins and characteristics


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